Hey-mo, we’re Hy & Lyla!
We’re two non-binary Octolings who live in Inkopolis together! We love to go on adventures with our friends, and share it with others on our Inkstagram page!
Hy and Lyla are two characters who live in the world of Splatoon, who interface with their cephalopod-themed version of what us humans call Instagram, which we also happen to see. Despite what most people like to believe, the harsh reality is that these characters are fictional and I’m the one pulling the strings to look like as if these Octolings are the ones who are posting these adventures, not me. I’m sorry for ruining your perception of my page forever.
There’s also a Carrd page if you’re interested in that. You’re not missing out on much, though.
I make photos of Splatoon characters doing cool things as a hobby!
Most recently, I’ve been putting together large group photos for my Discord server. It takes a lot of time and effort to get it created, especially when I make them on an 11-year old program running on the same engine that runs Team Fortress 2, within a Windows 11 virtual machine on a MacBook. The work pays off though!